Benefits of shipping:
Resilience for natural disasters or emergencies.
Ships carry hazardous / dangerous cargo more safely than road, rail and air.
15% of New Zealand's inter-regional freight is carried by sea
Ships can handle oversized, heavy and bulky cargo that road, rail and air can't.
Freight volumes are forecast to increase 50% by 2040.
It won't all fit onto our roads!
New Zealand’s total freight task: 278.7 million tonnes.
Coastal shipping carries approx 10 million tonnes (3.5%).
1.15m people are transported across the Cook Strait every year
The volume of domestic freight moved by shipping has increased 50% over the last 10 years.
Approx $28 billion road and rail freight is shipped between the North and South Islands each year
1 standard container Auckland to Christchurch:
road: $2200-$3000
rail: $1300 - $1900
ship: $850 - $1300
418,470 containers are moved around the NZ coast per annum
Shipping: one-eighth the emissions of road per tonne of freight moved
Benefits of shipping:
Lower emissions per tonne of freight moved.
Increasing total freight carried by ship by just 2% would reduce total transport emissions by 16%.
Benefits of shipping:
Greater control over our domestic supply chains.
Shipping: 60% the emissions of rail per tonne of freight moved
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Coastal Shipping

Coastal shipping is vital to New Zealand’s transport infrastructure, emergency preparedness and for our economic, environmental and social welfare.


Government and port decisions affect the efficiencies and effectiveness of the coastal network.

Better Policy

New Zealand Shipping Federation works with decision-makers to achieve policies that benefit all New Zealanders, including safe, secure and clean shipping.

New Zealand Shipping Federation

The New Zealand Shipping Federation began in 1906 and is the key representative body for New Zealand’s coastal shippers.

Full Steam Ahead

Full Steam Ahead is the Federation’s 2015 advice to government and all political parties about how to make sure that the contribution of the maritime sector is fully optimised. It can be found at:

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Resource Library

Our Library includes coastal shipping industry related information that affects the industry and often all New Zealanders.

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