Benefits of shipping:
Resilience for natural disasters or emergencies.
Ships carry hazardous / dangerous cargo more safely than road, rail and air.
15% of New Zealand's inter-regional freight is carried by sea
Ships can handle oversized, heavy and bulky cargo that road, rail and air can't.
Freight volumes are forecast to increase 50% by 2040.
It won't all fit onto our roads!
New Zealand’s total freight task: 278.7 million tonnes.
Coastal shipping carries approx 10 million tonnes (3.5%).
1.15m people are transported across the Cook Strait every year
The volume of domestic freight moved by shipping has increased 50% over the last 10 years.
Approx $28 billion road and rail freight is shipped between the North and South Islands each year
1 standard container Auckland to Christchurch:
road: $2200-$3000
rail: $1300 - $1900
ship: $850 - $1300
418,470 containers are moved around the NZ coast per annum
Shipping: one-eighth the emissions of road per tonne of freight moved
Benefits of shipping:
Lower emissions per tonne of freight moved.
Increasing total freight carried by ship by just 2% would reduce total transport emissions by 16%.
Benefits of shipping:
Greater control over our domestic supply chains.
Shipping: 60% the emissions of rail per tonne of freight moved
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Antispam Policy

This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of this website and its associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are owned and operated by New Zealand Shipping Federation at Wherever this Notice refers to “users” it means “you”, while “we” or “our” refers to New Zealand Shipping Federation and “Web Site” refers to

This sets forth our policy with regard to the use of “Spam” marketing techniques in connection with Internet Marketing. In the event that we deem you to be in violation of these policies, we shall immediately revoke your rights and close any active account.

We have a strict policy against spamming. We forbid the sending of unsolicited mass Emails or unsolicited Emails of any kind in connection with the marketing of our programs, products and services. We also forbid the sending of Emails that would violate the CAN-SPAM Act in any way.

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We consider spamming to be any activity whereby you directly or indirectly transmit email messages to any email address that has not solicited such email and does not consent to such transmission. We also consider spamming to constitute posting advertisements in newsgroups in violation of the terms of participation in such newsgroup that are off topic, or in newsgroups that do not specifically permit advertisements. We also consider it spamming when advertisements are placed on message boards or in chat rooms when they are not permitted by the terms of participation in such message boards and chat rooms.

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