Benefits of shipping:
Resilience for natural disasters or emergencies.
Ships carry hazardous / dangerous cargo more safely than road, rail and air.
15% of New Zealand's inter-regional freight is carried by sea
Ships can handle oversized, heavy and bulky cargo that road, rail and air can't.
Freight volumes are forecast to increase 50% by 2040.
It won't all fit onto our roads!
New Zealand’s total freight task: 278.7 million tonnes.
Coastal shipping carries approx 10 million tonnes (3.5%).
1.15m people are transported across the Cook Strait every year
The volume of domestic freight moved by shipping has increased 50% over the last 10 years.
Approx $28 billion road and rail freight is shipped between the North and South Islands each year
1 standard container Auckland to Christchurch:
road: $2200-$3000
rail: $1300 - $1900
ship: $850 - $1300
418,470 containers are moved around the NZ coast per annum
Shipping: one-eighth the emissions of road per tonne of freight moved
Benefits of shipping:
Lower emissions per tonne of freight moved.
Increasing total freight carried by ship by just 2% would reduce total transport emissions by 16%.
Benefits of shipping:
Greater control over our domestic supply chains.
Shipping: 60% the emissions of rail per tonne of freight moved
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Navigation Safety Review raises big issues for the Government

Navigation Safety Review raises big issues for the Government

Media Release 11 February 2016

“Maritime New Zealand’s Coastal Navigation Safety Review Report is an important snapshot of the safety of large ships (SOLAS) around the New Zealand coast. It deals with the safety of people as well as the safety of the environment and even touches on the significance of the financial well-being of ship operators.” said Annabel Young, Executive Director, NZ Shipping Federation

The Federation believes that the report shows that the SOLAS ships operated from and in New Zealand, known as coastal shipping, are operating in a safe way and no change is needed in respect of their operation.

“The reports makes it clear that the ratification of the Maritime Labour convention (MLC) is long overdue. Only when the MLC is ratified will Maritime NZ be able to inspect and enforce the labour conditions on international ships visiting our ports. These standards are set by the International Labour Organisation and it is the government’s role to ensure compliance in our waters. The report paints a picture of exhausted workers on international voyages making mistakes as they move around the New Zealand coast, going from port to port” said Ms Young

“For the sake of safety, New Zealand needs to have a tough reputation when it comes to Port State Control (PSC) inspections but the Federation believes that we are not doing enough inspections. Too many ships that arrive into New Zealand ports are not even inspected for safety breaches.”

“The report strengthens the case for a greater focus on PSC inspections of foreign ships to ensure that the ship and its equipment are safe in our waters. PSC inspections are done under the mandate of the International Maritime Organisation. People tend to think of equipment in terms of rudders, pumps and cranes but the report makes it clear that these foreign ships may not even have working radios, an accurate compass, up-to date charts or up to date navigational information.”

For further comment or information:

Annabel Young 021 429 216