Review of NZ Emission Trading Scheme is an opportunity to put things right

Review of NZ Emission Trading Scheme is an opportunity to put things right

Media Release 27 November 2015

The NZ Shipping Federation sees the review of the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) as an opportunity to put things right, says Annabel Young, Executive Director.

“Shipping is acknowledged as environmentally ahead of other transport options but the current form of the ETS penalises  coastal ship operators,” said Ms Young today. 

Operators of ships that travel into New Zealand from foreign waters do not have to pay for ETS credits as part of their fuel costs when refuelling (bunkering) in New Zealand.  They are competing with local operators who are charged the full price of local ETS credits.  This is not a level playing field, is unfair and adds to the cost to the goods transported.

The Federation will be advocating for coastal vessels to be treated equally with the international vessels with whom they compete.

The Federation will be making a submission to the Ministry of the Environment.  Submissions on this issue close on 30 April 2016.

For further comment or information:

Annabel Young           021 429 216