Thursday, 25 June 2015
New Zealand Customs Service
Implementing the Border Clearance Levy
Thank you for the opportunity to submit our views in respect of the border levy. Thank you also for taking the time to come in to hear our views.
Coastal shipping is a vital part of New Zealand’s transport infrastructure. It also plays a role in civil defence. It is important for New Zealand economic, environmental and social welfare that the coastal network operates efficiently and effectively. Central and local government decisions can optimise the way that the coastal network performs. These decisions can also drive unnecessary costs into shipping operations.
The Federation is committed to working with decision-makers to ensure that the best policy settings are in place for the benefit of all New Zealanders. We are happy to work proactively to bring sector knowledge to support the policy-making process.
The New Zealand Shipping Federation is the key representative body for New Zealand’s coastal shippers. Members of the Federation are:
Coastal Bulk Shipping
Golden Bay Cement
Pacifica Shipping
Silver Fern Shipping
Strait Shipping
In the ordinary running of vessels operating around the coast, members may go outside the twenty nautical mile limits. In our view, this should not trigger a border levy as no costs are imposed on the border agency as a result. We therefore submit that a specific exemption should cover this situation.
Where a vessel goes to a far flung part of New Zealand, such as the Kermadec Islands, Raoul Island or the Auckland Islands, it should be treated as not clearing the border and no levy should apply. No costs are imposed on the border agencies in this situation. We therefore submit that a specific exemption should cover this situation.
Yours sincerely
Annabel Young
Executive Director